Image Copyright 2012 by Passy’s World of Mathematics
Welcome to Passy’s World of Mathematics.
We are a free website offering lessons and real world applications of mathematics.
Please feel free to link to any of our Lessons, share them on social media sites, or use them on Learning Management Systems in Schools.
It was recently brought to our attention that the site which was hosting a lot of the images and PDF documents for Passy’s World of Mathematics got hacked in 2019, and there has been some very unsavoury advertising and spam present on some of our lessons.

We are slowly repairing the site, and doing work to host the images on our own server space. This could easily take us the next 30 days to fix all 190 lessons on this site. We thank you for your patience.
What’s New
Mathematics is just one of my passions. As well as teaching Mathematics, MultiMedia, and ICT as my “Day Job”, I also work as a Photographer on weekends.
Modern Digital Photograpy involves quite a bit of behind the scenes Mathematics.
This Mathematics includes Geometric Sequences, Polyhedra, Fractions, Geometry, Circle Areas, Angles, Formulas, and Symmetry.
An understanding of this Mathematics can definitely make you a better Photographer, even if it just means you know the best Viewpoints, Angles, and Geometric Composition to use when taking pictures with a Mobile Phone.
I have found understanding the Mathematics of a DSLR Camera really helps me do fast effective problem solving on Photoshoots.
Digital Cameras have preset auto modes which work well in about 80% of situations, but there are other times when a Camera needs to be put into full Manual Mode and some Mathematical Problem Solving invoked.
Here at Passy’s World we have produced a comprehensive series of articles on the Mathematics of Photography, including plenty of real life examples as well as selected Videos which can be viewed.
The eight Mathematics of Photography articles are as follows:
– Photo Composition Rules
– Digital Camera Variables
– The ISO Variable
– The Aperture Variable
– The Shutter Speed Variable
– The White Balance Variable
– Combining Variables for Correct Exposure
– Flash Photography and Diffusers
To gain access to the full set of eight articles about “The Mathematics of Photography”, click the following link:
Mathematics of Photography Series
How to Use Our Site
Use the top of page Black Navigation Menu bar to access each feature.
Use the “INDEX” button on this menu bar to find all our lessons easily,
or simply click the link below:
Click Here for our Index of Mathematics Lessons
To view our site in WordPress Blog Posts format, click the “Lessons” button on the top of page menu bar.
Whenever you want to find our latest Mathematics Lesson, simply click the “Lessons” button on the top of page black menu bar, or click the link below:
Linking to Us
Feel free to link to any of our Lessons, share them on social networking sites, or use them on Learning Management Systems in Schools.
What’s in Passy’s World
In excess of one hundred and eighty free Mathematics Lessons and Applications of Mathematics in the Real World.
We are continually adding new lessons, and try to make every lesson begin with an interesting real world application of the mathematics being covered.
Integration of Passy’s World with our PowerPoints on Slideshare.
Slideshare presentations which are all Apple device compatible.
Printable Mathematics Posters.
Easy Free Subscription.
An About page with a biography of the creator of Passy’s World.
Cross References in the “Related Items” sections of all lessons.
Free Mathematical Games to assist student learning.
Sitemap that includes word clouds of tags and categories.
Simple short URL addresses for all of our lessons.
Foreign Language Translation function in right hand side bar.
Integration of Passy’s World with our Facebook Page.
eBooks becoming available later this year.
Contact Us
We love hearing from our Users. Email us at the hotmail address shown below with any comments, ideas for articles, or to report any broken links or blank images on our pages.
Image Copyright 2012 by Passy’s World of Mathematics
It is very easy to subscribe to Passy’s World, and this will enable you to keep up to date with all new material we add to the site.
Subscribers also receive offers of Free Posters and original PowerPoint copies of presentations.
See the following page for details on How to Subscribe.
Click Here for Subscription Information
Like Us on Facebook
Our Facebook page has many additional items which are not posted to this website.
These include items of mathematical interest, funny math pictures and cartoons, as well as occassional glimpses into the personal life of “Passy”.
Check it out at the following link:
While you are there, LIKE the page so you can receive our FB updates to your Facebook News Feed.
Help Passy’s World Grow
Each day Passy’s World provides hundreds of people with mathematics lessons free of charge.
Help us to maintain this free service and keep it growing.
Donate any amount from $2 upwards through PayPal by clicking the PayPal image below. Thank you!
PayPal does accept Credit Cards, but you will have to supply an email address and password so that PayPal can create a PayPal account for you to process the transaction through. There will be no processing fee charged to you by this action, as PayPal deducts a fee from your donation before it reaches Passy’s World.
WordPress View
To view our site in WordPress Blog Posts format, click the “Lessons” button on the top of page menu bar, or simply click the link below:
(To return to this “Welcome” page, click the top of page “Home” button).
Keep in Touch
Our integrated self hosted WordPress infrastructure gives Passy’s World superior opportunities to better serve all teachers and students of mathematics.
Please feel free to link to any of our Lessons, share them on social media sites, or use them on Learning Management Systems in Schools.
We hope you enjoy our site, and remember to keep coming back and checking our Index Page, as we are continually adding new material.