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The Internet is an incredible resource for mathematics learning tools. And after we have done some learning, we need to test how much has been retained and properly understood.
What better way to do this than to take a quick online test and get immediate feedback.
“Online Tests” are onscreen interactive tests, where we can type an answer into the computer. The computer then immediately corrects all of our questions and gives us our score.
There are many websites that have free PDF Practice Tests for National testing in the UK and USA, but these are not corrected by the computer online, and so we consider these to be worksheet type resources rather than online tests.
In this post we look at ten great websites that have free online tests for Mathematics.
We have used these online tests on an Apple iPad device, and most of them work. The only ones which do not seem to work at all on iPad (as of 25/7/11) are the “That Quiz” and “Math Tests” sites. The probable reason being that Apple devices do not support Flash or Java.
To get to each site, use the text link supplied at the end of each mini review. Click this text link to go to the site – do not click the banner image.
Free Math Test
This site is really good and simple to use. It covers basic mathematics up to Averages and Integers, Substitution, Order of Operations.
There do not seem to be any Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Ratios, or Solving Equations questions.
This site allows a person to choose the level of difficulty, and the number of questions they want to do.
That Quiz
This covers a lot of mathematics right up to Trigonometry and Calculus.
This site also allows a person to choose the level of difficulty, and the number of questions they want to do.
It is a great site and worth using.
See our full review of “That Quiz” on a separate post at the following link.
Math Tests
This site has a great range of online tests, but a selected test can take a minute or two to load in, so be patient.
It also does not appear to allow selection of the number of questions or their difficulty, and seems to default to 10 questions for each test with a 30 minute time limit that is enforced by an onscreen timer.
Soft Schools
This site has plenty of basic math tests.
However it does also have some good middle school tests for Algebra such as solving one variable equations.
It does not appear to allow selection of the number of questions or their difficulty, and seems to default to 10 questions
Other things of interest on this site are as follows.
A nice Quadratic grapher with value sliders at:
and a similar straight line graph simulator at:
A set of calculators at:
The site also has Worksheets, but for some of them you need to be a registered user. (Registration appears to be free).
The homepage for Soft Schools is as follows:
Amby Math Tests
This site has a number of basic skills math tests that can be done online. A mini lesson is given at the start of each test.
It does not appear to allow selection of the number of questions or their difficulty, and the number of questions between different tests varies.
Math Goodies
This site does not have quizes that you can directly go to, but has lessons on topics, that most times have a short online quiz at the end of them.
The topics are on basic math, and do not include middle school topics like Trigonometry, Equations, and Algebra.
This site does not allow selection of the number of questions or their difficulty, and the number of questions in an end of lesson quiz varies.
As well as lessons with Quizes at the end of them, the site also has plenty of worksheets.
It is an excellent site, and one of our favorites. Check out all of the lessons at the link below.
BBC Maths
This site is like Maths Goodies, and has lesson lists and the lessons contain online tests.
It does not allow selection of the number of questions or their difficulty, and the number of questions at the end of a lesson always appears to be 10.
This is a great site and one of our favorites.
Check out the comprehensive list of lessons covering basic number through to Trigonometry, Algebra, and Equations. So the BBC cover primary through to middle school for free online resources, and do it as good as any site we have seen.
Khan Academy
Saving one of the best for last, the Kahn Academy is an awesome website of free online Math Learning resources.
There are lots of videos, but to do online practice tests, we need to click on the “Practice with an Exercise” button, and then navigate down the left had side of the page to the topic we want to practice.
The practice sessions have scoring, and you can ask for hints, or watch a video if you are struggling with the test.
This site does not appear to allow selection of the number of questions or their difficulty
Cool Math
This is a great site that has lessons, games and quizes for math from Primary through to the end of middle school. We have found that students really like this site for the math games and activities it has.
The online testing can be found under the “Practice Problems” link.
Here we usually get problem generators, so we can do as many questions as we like, on a very specific part of math, and get an answer when we need it.
For example check out this typical one at a time question generator.
The Cool Math homepage can be found here:
My Quizzes CA
This site has quizzes that people submit, and so the quality can vary.
However there are around 500 online math quizzes on the site.
So that’s our Top 10 of great Free Math Quiz and Test sites. These are a great way to check up on how your math skills are going, and an excellent tool to use when reviewing for tests.
Best of all they are available 24×7, and 100 percent FREE!
Please note that Passy’s World of Mathematics has no financial interest in any of the websites reviewed in this lesson.
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Free Online Math Videos
Free Online Math Worksheets
Free Online Graph Makers
Free Online Calculators and Converters
GeoGebra Online Interactives and Demonstrations
Mathwarehouse Interactives
Microsoft Mathematics Free App for Windows PC
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