Plotting Graphs from Tables

Horizontal table of values

The above diagram is a values table of (x,y) coordinates. Our objective is to plot these points onto the Cartesian Plane.

If you are not familiar with plotting (x,y) points onto an X-Y Grid, then click the link below to learn about this before continuing any further.

Cartesian Plane Lesson

Steps for Plotting Graphs from Tables

To plot a graph using a values table we follow these steps:

Step 1) Write the table out as a set of (x,y) coordinates.

Step 2) Rule up an X-Y grid on graph paper.

Step 3) Plot the points onto the grid.

Step 4) If the points form a pattern, then use a ruler to join the points together.

Step 5) Extend the line to fill the grid, and add arrows to both ends.

Example Plotted Graph from Values Table

Here are Steps 1 and 2 completed for the example table shown at the very start of this lesson.

Plotting Steps 1 and 2

Here is step 3 completed, where we have plotted the five points onto the grid.

Plotting Step 3

The five points are then connected together to make a straight line.

Plotting Step 4

The final step is to extend the ends of the line and add arrows onto them.

Plotting Step 5

Cartesian Plane Practice Grid

Here is a blank Cartesian Plane you can print out or Project onto a Whiteboard to practice plotting points.

Clicking the Image should take you to an 800×494 pixels grid that can be projected or printed.

Cartesian Plane Grid

That’s it for plotting points from X-Y values Tables.

In the next lesson we will look at plotting points to make a line from a “T-Table”.

(A “T-Table is a vertical version of an X-Y values Table).

Related Items

The Cartesian Plane
Plotting a Linear Graph using a Rule Equation
Plotting Graphs from T-Tables of Values
Real World Straight Line Graphs I
Real World Straight Line Graphs II

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Posted in Algebra, Graphs, Straight Line Graphs | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 15 Comments

Real World Line Graphs

Game Console Sales Graph
Image Source:

Straight Line Graphs play an important part in our modern lives.

They are used extensively in Sales and Marketing, Economics, Business, Psychology, Science and Medicine.

Here is a Graph from a medical study of infertility that has several straight line portions in it.

Fertility Versus Age Graph
Image Source:

Shown below is one version of the famous “Moore’s Law” Graph.

This law states that the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years.

This results in a straight line graph that shows a steady increase in computing capability from 1970 onwards.

Moore's Law Graph
Image Source:

This is what enables us to keep getting smaller and more powerful mobile phones and digital cameras. Major advances in these technologies follow Moore’s Law and occur about every two years.

Moore’s Law is expected to continue this straight line pattern until at least 2015 or 2020.

The following Slideshare presentation shows several other common and important applications of straight line graphs in the real world.

Click the bottom right hand corner button to go full screen, and then use the “Esc” key to return to this blog.

If using Apple touch screen devices, you should be able to flip the slides by swiping your finger.

[slideshare id=9943401&doc=reallifegraphsppa-111029213339-phpapp01]


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Basic Histogram Graphs
Grouped Data Histograms Using Class Intervals
MS Excel Charts and Graphs
MS Excel Column Graphs and Pie Charts
Funny Graphs from Graph Jam
Real World Line Graphs
Averages – Mean Median Mode (including MS Excel)
Free Online Graph Makers
Misleading Graphs
Stem and Leaf Plots (Stem Plots)
The Cartesian Plane
Plotting Graphs from Horizontal Values Tables
Plotting a Linear Graph using a Rule Equation
Plotting Graphs from T-Tables of Values
Real World Straight Line Graphs I

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Posted in Algebra, Graphs, Math in the Real World, Straight Line Graphs | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 29 Comments

The Cartesian Plane

Beach and Pier at 90 degrees
Image Source:

In the above picture we have a pier going out at right angles from the horizontal coastline.

We could walk away from where the man and his boat are, to many different locations, by wading out into the water.

We could then locate our new position, by using the man as our starting point, and calling this point the “Origin”.

We could then see how far down the beach we have traveled, (either left or right), as well as how far out into the water we have gone by counting the number of pier pylons that we are from the shoreline.

Our location is then a unique “Point”, made up of how far left or right from the man we are, and how far vertically out from the shore we are.

Referencing our position like this is called “Coordinate Geometry”.

It involves using “Points” in a two dimensional “Cartesian Plane”.

Introduction to the Cartesian Plane.

Let’s start with a video that describes how we set up and use an X-Y Grid for locating points.

“Points” are dots which show our position on the grid.

The X-Y Grid is called the “Cartesian Plane”.

“Cartesian”, because a guy called “Rene Descartes” invented it.

“Plane”, meaning that we are working with a flat two dimensional surface, just like a flat sheet of graph paper.


The “Cartesian Plane” consists of an “X-Y” grid of squares that looks like this.

The Cartesian Plane

The across ways Horizontal line is called the “X-axis”.

The up and down Vertical line is called the “Y-axis”.

The center point where the lines cross over is called the “Origin”.

Points are drawn as dots at the corner points of squares; they are never placed inside the squares.

Each axis is a number line that has negative and positive values along it. The middle of each axis is zero, and is located at the center “Origin”.

Quadrants in the Cartesian Plane

The Cartesian plane is divided into four squares or “Quadrants”.

The quadrants start at one, and move around anti-clockwise to two, three, and four.

Quadrants of Cartesian Plane
The Quadrants are assigned Roman numerals so they do not look like questions, eg. QII is Quadrant two, but Q2 in maths usually means “Question 2”.

The Blue point in the middle of all the Quadrants is at a special location called the “Origin”, which is not part of any quadrant.

Eg. The point of origin is not in any quadrant. In fact, any point located on the X or Y axis is not in a quadrant.

For a point to be in QI, QII, QIII or QIV, it must not be on an axis.

Let’s take a closer look at each of the four quadrants in detail.

The First Quadrant

First Quadrant

The first Quadrant takes in the top right hand area of the Cartesian Plane.

Points located in Quadrant One always have (x,y) coordinates that are both positive numbers.

For example the point (5,3) shown above is in the first Quadrant.

The X-coordinate is positive 5, which means it is located five units (squares) TO THE RIGHT of the Origin.

The Y-coordinate is positive 3, which means it is located three units (squares) UP from the Origin.

Note that if either of the x or y coordinates are zero, the point will be located on one of the “Axis” lines and is not in any Quadrant.

Eg. Instead of being in a Quadrant, it is directly on the Axis.

The Second Quadrant

Second Quadrant

The second Quadrant takes in the top left hand area of the Cartesian Plane.

Points located in Quadrant Two always have (x,y) coordinates that are a negative number, followed by a positive number.

For example the point (-5,3) shown above is in the second Quadrant.

The X-coordinate is -5, which means it is located five units (squares) TO THE LEFT of the Origin.

The Y-coordinate is positive 3, which means it is located three units (squares) UP from the Origin.

Note that if either of the x or y coordinates are zero, the point will be located on one of the “Axis” lines and is not in any Quadrant. (Eg. Instead of being in a Quadrant, it is directly on the Axis).

The Third Quadrant

Third Quadrant
The third Quadrant takes in the bottom left hand area of the Cartesian Plane.

Points located in Quadrant Three always have (x,y) coordinates that are both negative numbers.

For example the point (-5,-3) shown above is in the third Quadrant.

The X-coordinate is -5, which means it is located five units (squares) TO THE LEFT of the Origin.

The Y-coordinate is -3, which means it is located three units (squares) DOWN from the Origin.

The Fourth Quadrant

Fourth Quadrant

The fourth Quadrant takes in the bottom right hand area of the Cartesian Plane.

Points located in Quadrant Four always have (x,y) coordinates that are a positive number, followed by a negative number.

For example the point (5,-3) shown above is in the fourth Quadrant.

The X-coordinate is 5, which means it is located five units (squares) TO THE RIGHT of the Origin.

The Y-coordinate is -3, which means it is located three units (squares) DOWN from the Origin.

Note that if either of the x or y coordinates are zero, the point will be located on one of the “Axis” lines and is not in any Quadrant. (Eg. Instead of being in a Quadrant, it is directly on the Axis).

Cartesian Plane Summary

Cartesian Plane Quadrants

The X-Y Grid of the Cartesian Plane is divided up into four equal areas called “Quadrants”.

These Quadrants are named in a counter-clockwise direction.

Points in each of these Quadrants have coordinates that have specific combinations of positive and negative x and y values.

If either of the x or y coordinates are zero, the point will be located on one of the “Axis” lines and is not in any of the Quadrants. (Instead of being in a Quadrant, the point is directly on the Axis).

The “Origin”, which is located in the center of the Cartesian Plane at (0,0) is also not in any of the Quadrants.

Here is a simplified summary of the Cartesian Plane Quadrants that can be copied into your maths notebook.

Cartesian Plane Quadrants
Image Source:

Graphing Ordered Pairs

Coordinates on Cartesian Plane

Points are located on the X-Y Grid using “Coordinates” which are “Ordered Pairs”.

The order is always alphabetical, and the x coordinate number always comes before the y coordinate number.

The number pairs are enclosed in brackets with a comma used to separate them.

The sign of each coordinate number tells us in what direction to leave the Origin to travel to our coordinate point.

If x is positive we go across to the right (eg. (5,?) means go five units or squares to the RIGHT.

If x is negative we go across to the Left (eg. (-5,?) means go five units or squares to the LEFT.

If y is positive we go UP (eg. (?,3) means go three units or squares UP.

If y is negative we go DOWN (eg. (?,-3) means go three units or squares DOWN.

By going horizontally Across first, and then Vertically second, using the supplied x and y values, we can reach the exact location of any point on the Cartesian Plane.

If you have already done Directed Number Integers in your maths course, then think about doing what you know first, by locating the x coordinate onto the horizontal number line.

Then from that position go up or down in the vertical direction to where the y coordinate needs to be located.

Finally place a dot at this finishing position to mark the point.

Here is a video with plenty of examples on how to plot x-y points, or “Ordered Pairs” .


Here is another video where a mathematics teacher introduces the coordinate plane, and plots some example points onto it.


Cartesian Plane Practice Grid

Here is a blank Cartesian Plane you can print out or project onto a whiteboard to practice plotting points.

(Clicking the Image should take you to an 800×494 pixels grid that can be projected or printed).

Cartesian Plane Grid

Cartesian Plane Revision

The following slideshare presentation will test how well you know the Cartesian Plane and Quadrants.

It also covers how points can combine to make Horizontal and Vertical Lines.

[slideshare id=85218&doc=the-coordinate-plane-geometry-24211]

Interactive Point Plotting Test

Interactive Plot Points Page Image

The web page shown above supplies some interactive activities for plotting points, and supplies answers.

It will test your point plotting skills and knowledge.

Click the picture above, or the link below to do this activity.

Interactive Point Plotting Test

Graph Mole Plotting Points Game

Farmer and Mole Coords Game

This is the easy version of Graph Mole, a fun little Algebra game that teaches you how to plot points on a Cartesian coordinate plane.

Play the game by clicking on the correct x-y coordinates at the bottom of the game screen that show the correct position of the mole.

On the game page there are also links to medium difficulty and challenging versions of the mole game.

Click the picture above, or the link below to play this game.

Graph Mole Plotting Points Game
That’s it for this lesson on the “Cartesian Plane”.

Related Items

Plotting Graphs from Horizontal Values Tables
Plotting a Linear Graph using a Rule Equation
Plotting Graphs from T-Tables of Values
Real World Straight Line Graphs I
Real World Straight Line Graphs II

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The two Posters are the “Quadrants Summary” and “X-Y Coordinates” diagrams, as shown previously in this lesson. They can easily be printed out in color on A4 or Letter paper, and then enlarged on a color photocopier to create two very useful wall posters for a Mathematics Classroom.

Please state in your email that you wish to obtain the free subscriber copy of the “Cartesian Plane Posters” PDF document.


Posted in Algebra, Graphs, Straight Line Graphs | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 22 Comments

Equations Word Problems

Guy at board doing word problem
Image Source:

Many word problems in Mathematics involve writing an equation and then solving it to obtain a number answer.

First we need to know how to translate the words into Algebra. If you are not sure about how to do this, then click the link below to go to our lesson about translating word problems.

Translating Word Problems into Algebra

In today’s lesson, we will be looking at a few YouTube videos which show examples of the common types of equations word problems.

Here is a basic Division Word problem.


Here are a couple of typical word problems. Both of them involve solving equations.


The following videos show some hints and ideas about how to do a number of the common types of word problems that involve equations.

Problems involving people’s ages.


Word Problems involving Work and Jobs.


Rate Problems involving Distance and Time.


Problems Involving Mixing Ingredients Together.


Here is an example word problem involving money.


Finally, here is a Slideshare presentation which summarises the main equation types, and does some great Word Problem examples.

[slideshare id=634614&doc=35-and-36-solving-equations-1223058321170689-9]

That’s the last word on word problems.

Related Items

How to Translate Word Problems into Equations
Solving One Step Addition Equations
Solving One Step Subtraction Equations
Solving One Step Equations – All Types
Two Step Equations Using Flowcharts and Back Tracking
Two Step Equations Using Reverse Operations
Three Step Equations Using Flowcharts and Back Tracking
Balance Beam Equations
Equivalent Equations
Fractions Equations
eBay Problem Solved Using Algebra Equations
Microsoft Mathematics Equations Solver
Equations Games

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Posted in Algebra, Equations, Word Problems | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Three Step Equations

woman doing step aerobics
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Solving three step equations can be done using back tracking flowcharts.

PPT Slide 1

Let’s review Back tracking Flowcharts.

PPT Slide 2

The forward steps along the top of the flowchart need to be put into BODMAS or PEMDAS order.

PPT Slide 3

The following is a typical three step equation, which has three mathematical operations performed on its letter variable.

PPT Slide 4

Setting up a three step equation in a flowchart requires the following boxes and arrows.

PPT Slide 5

The Opposite operations we use along the bottom of the flowchart are as follows.

PPT Slide 6

Here is the completed flowchart for our example equation: (2m + 3) / 5 = 3

PPT Slide 7

It is always advisable to check the final answer, by substituting it back into the original equation, and make sure it produces the required value.

PPT Slide 8

Here is another example of a three step equation, this time involving negative numbers.

PPT Slide 9


Three step equations require setting up a flowchart with four boxes and three arrows.

We need to be careful that we do the forward steps in BODMAS or PEMDAS order.

The reverse steps are then done as opposite operations along the bottom of the flowchart.

Related Items

How to Translate Word Problems into Equations
Solving One Step Addition Equations
Solving One Step Subtraction Equations
Solving One Step Equations – All Types
Two Step Equations Using Flowcharts and Back Tracking
Two Step Equations Using Reverse Operations
Balance Beam Equations
Equivalent Equations
Fractions Equations
Solving Equations Word Problems
eBay Problem Solved Using Algebra Equations
Microsoft Mathematics Equations Solver
Equations Games

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